Annex 1b: The Caravan Code

The Caravan

  • Whether trailer or motor caravan it is a vehicle specifically for caravanning. Its appearance and colour are appropriate and do not offend public opinion.
  • It is regularly serviced so that it is safe in all respects when touring on the road, and
    on site.

On The Road

Selection of trailer caravan and towing vehicle allows adequate performance in line with the Towing Code, namely:

  • The actual laden weight of the caravan should be kept as low as possible and should never normally exceed the kerb weight of the towing vehicle
  • The engine is powerful enough to keep the outfit at a speed, particularly on hills, that does not baulk other traffic
  • The caravan is carefully loaded to provide good balance and avoid instability

The caravan complies with all Road Traffic Acts and other relevant Regulations, in particular that there should be an adequate view to the rear of the caravan.

Where the caravan is a trailer towed by a vehicle, it is insured against third party risks. This must cover not only the caravan when attached to the towing vehicle, but also when detached.

Particular attention is paid to those sections of the Highway Code relevant to trailer caravans.

  • To cause the minimum inconvenience to other traffic the caravanner observes traffic to his rear and ensures that every opportunity is offered for other vehicles to overtake. This includes the need always to allow space in front of the outfit for faster traffic to pull into with safety (and never to have two or more outfits bunched together) and on narrow roads to pull in and halt at a safe place to allow following traffic to overtake.
  • To carry out normal road manoeuvres with increased care to take account of the length of the outfit, the vehicle’s reduced acceleration and its longer stopping distances when braking. This requires greater anticipation, early signalling of intentions, and a very careful watch of overtaken traffic, particularly cyclists, before pulling in.

On Any Site

The member:

  • Pitches on private land only with the express permission of the owner
  • Places the caravan where it will not interfere with the convenience or enjoyment of others
  • Avoids damage to turf by digging holes only when absolutely necessary, and replacing turf where possible and by considerate use of the vehicle
  • Disposes of any rubbish only by the means provided on the site. If no receptacles are provided, as on some small farm sites, rubbish is taken home for disposal, or to any other recognised disposal point that has space.
  • For touring other than on sites equipped with toilets, will carry his/her own sanitary equipment (usually chemical closet and approved related fluid) and dispose of the contents only at a point provided for the purpose. If burial is necessary, as perhaps on private property, this will not be done in the vicinity of any water course.
  • Allows no waste water from the caravan to foul the ground, ensures that suitable receptacles are connected to the waste water pipes to collect the waste, and the receptacles emptied as necessary. In the few instances where no disposal point is provided, minimum fouling is achieved by distributing the water over a considerable area, as along a hedge
  • Allows neither children nor animals to spoil the enjoyment of others, by keeping them under control
  • Drives slowly and quietly when on site
  • Respects the privacy and peace of others at all times by keeping to a minimum, mechanical, instrumental or vocal noise
  • Ensures that any laundry outside the caravan is displayed as discretely as possible
  • Keeps the pitch neat and tidy, with no loose equipment outside the caravan beyond what is necessary or appropriate, and on departure leaves it as clean as, or cleaner than, it was on arrival
  • Observes the country code relating to water, cleanliness, fire dangers, litter, public paths, gates, control of dogs, damage to crops, hedges, walls, trees and plants, livestock and wildlife.


At all times, on the road or on site, every caravanner shows courtesy and consideration to all comers so that the good will of the general public towards caravanners is maintained and improved.